
All New Big River My Services Manager Portal!

Big River LTE and Telephone customers now have the ability to manage their telephone features as well as view current data usage and make payments.

Big River Telephone customers

To register please click HERE! or to login please click  Login

Big River Broadband customers

To register please click HERE! or to login please click Login

Important: If you do not have telephone service with Big River please use the main contact number for your account to register. If you do not know what your main contact number for your account please email [email protected] your first name, last name, account number and a message stating you need your main contact number for your account to register for the Services Manager Portal.

Step by Step Guide on How to Register for Service Manager

Step 1. Big River Telephone customers navigate to www.myservicemanager.net/#/signup

Big River broadband customers navigate to broadband.myservicemanager.net/#/signup

Step 2. Complete all fields on this page.

Step 3. Once you have everything filled out click on the “Register” button at the bottom of the page.

Step 4. If your account registration is successful – the message “Account Successfully Create. You may now log in.” will be displayed.

To login – select the home option at the top of the page to navigate back to the Services Manager Portal login page where you will have the ability to log in and see your current data usage.