Big River Broadband & Telephone Service FAQ's
Questions about Free Time
- Schedule your Windows Updates between 1am and 6am.
- Download all iOS updates during this time. These updates are usually around 1 GB in size and required to be installed on multiple devices.
- Download your digital content such as movies and TV shows during this time.
- Download your gaming system updates and game downloads during this time.
Questions about your Data Cap
Watching movies or TV shows on Netflix uses about 1 GB of data per hour for each stream of standard definition video, and up to 3 GB per hour for each stream of HD video. This can create headaches for Netflix members who have a monthly bandwidth or data cap on their Internet service. Below, you’ll find a few ways to reduce the amount of data Netflix uses, without having to resort to drastic measures (like actually watching less Netflix).
Adjust your data usage settings
Adjusting the data usage settings for your account is the easiest way to reduce the amount of bandwidth used while watching Netflix. There are four data usage settings to choose from. Each estimate below is per stream:
- Low (0.3 GB per hour)
- Medium (SD: 0.7 GB per hour)
- High (Best video quality, up to 3 GB per hour for HD and 7 GB per hour for Ultra HD)
- Auto (Adjusts automatically to deliver the highest possible quality, based on your current Internet connection speed)
To select a setting that works best for your Internet plan, navigate to the Your Account page and select Playback settings in the Your Profile section. It can take up to 8 hours for these changes to take effect. Restricting data usage may effect video quality while watching Netflix.
Data usage settings only apply to the Netflix profile you are in when you set them, meaning you can have different data usage settings for each profile. If you are concerned about the total amount of data that Netflix uses, make sure to change this setting for each profile.
- Schedule your Windows Updates between 1am and 6am.
- Download all iOS updates during this time. These updates are usually around 1 GB in size and required to be installed on multiple devices.
- Download your digital content such as movies and TV shows during this time.
- Download your gaming system updates and game downloads during this time.
To add a top up plan to your account you can call 1-855-554-6244 and press 2.
Yes. Log into the Services Manager Portal and go to Data Usage. Once on this page you will have the ability to opt out of email notifications.
Questions about your bigBOX
Your bigBOX from Big River is the wireless router you need to access the Internet. It may be white or black. It receives the signal emitted from our tower that brings you wireless, high-speed Internet.
Questions about wireless connections
Questions about billing:
To add a top up plan to your account you can call 1-855-554-6244 and press 2.
Questions about Big River Telephone
Call waiting
Call forwarding
3-way calling
SIM Ring
Call Return
Call Block
Caller ID Name
Note: If you are using a cordless phone and you lose power, you may not be able to make and receive calls.